I figured out a method that might work for me long-term, and maybe it'll help you too so I'd like to share :o)
- Who
- What
- When
- Where
- Why
- How
Now write your name under the WHO, because it's for you!
Under WHAT write the general idea (goal).
WHEN is your target date for success - don't forget to keep it realistic LOL
WHERE - this is any place that effects the outcome
On WHY get a little specific - this is your motivation
And HOW - this is the meat and bones of the whole deal so give this some thought and see what surfaces. You might even have to do a little research...
Here's what this sheet looks like in less general terms (this is one of mine, and needs to be followed more closely if I hope to reach my target date LOL)
Who: Me!
What: lose weight - 2 lbs/week average, get healthier overall, gain agility
When: 6 months from now
Where: home, restaurants, coffee shops, get-togethers
Why: getting tired of: pants don't fit well anymore, arm fat taking over, every extra pound puts pressure on knees, thick headed feeling, congested a lot, lack of daily energy, need sounder sleep
- walk everyday, do sit-ups and stretching,
- limit smoothies, fast food
- less bread product, more fruit and vegies
- less juice, more water
You can get as specific as you want - only you know how much minutiae you can handle before you throw in the towel because it's too complicated for your daily life.
Now go hang your sheet where you won't forget about it and good job starting!
Hi Nancy! Our minister preached a series on goal-setting at the beginning of the year. He kept repeating: "Unless goals are written down, they are only good intentions!" I have a lot of good intentions! lol Good luck with your goals. I should be working on some, too.